Donate Today!


We are 100% funded by donations.

As a small, local, non-profit organization that receives no government or city funding,
we fully depend on our generous donors and volunteers to continue our work.

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Donate Today 

Even the smallest amount helps! We couldn’t save these Lost Puppies without you.

Make a donation today!

Sponsor a puppy 

Help cover expenses for food, bedding, and vet bills for the temporary care of a new puppy until we find a him/her a forever home.

 Opportunity to help name the puppy!

Sponsor an Event

Lost Puppies holds multiple fundraising activities throughout the year 

Hosting and/or underwriting a special event helps us continue to do our work, while associating your business with a great cause.

Donate Items 

Whether through shopping or by donating, Lost Puppies could always use new items!

Learn about your donations help fund our rescues

We keep a clear record of all our donations and expenses for complete transparency