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Reo is the world’s cutest puppy both with her sassy personality and angelic little face. She is a loving, cuddly, playful clown and gets along with everyone – including children and animals. She is outgoing, brave and loves other dogs – even those much bigger than herself! She is house trained and will use a pee pad if you can’t take her out in time. She has one little black toe and ears that bounce as she walks, and she wags her cute little tail at all times. She loves to learn new tricks and is very smart. She is learning how to feel safe when she is alone, and is making progress with her crate training. Her paws are small, but her legs aren’t so short so we predict she will be a small to medium sized adult dog. She’s a lovable beauty and loves to fall asleep in your lap!

Age: Puppy (less than 6 months)
Gender: Female
Adult Size: Small (10-25 pounds)
Energy Level: Medium
House Trained: Yes
Neuter/Spay Status: No, this dog HAS NOT BEEN neutered/spayed
Vaccination Status: Complete

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