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She looks very distinguished with her handlebar mustache, so we thought we would give her a badass Latina name; Chica.

Chica was found limping along a roadside in Chaoyang, and her rescuer thought she perhaps had a broken leg. Thankfully, her leg was completely fine, maybe just a little sore or bruised. Her rescuer was very responsible and generous, and sent her to a safe quarantine boarding house because he couldn’t keep her in his dorm room. She is a very affectionate and sweet puppy, eager to please her people and be cuddled. She is still very young, so we aren’t sure of her adult size, but we think she will be small breed.

Age: Puppy (less than 6 months)
Gender: Female
Adult Size: Small (10-25 pounds)
Energy Level: Medium
House Trained: No
Neuter/Spay Status: No, this dog HAS NOT BEEN neutered/spayed
Vaccination Status: Ongoing

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